AA American Locksmith Inc
Family owned & operated since 1989!
Serving Elgin, St. Charles, Dundee, Sycamore, Rockford, Aurora & DeKalb
Shop: 1-847-697-0333
Mobile: 1-847-401-8167
Providing Complete Physical & Electronic Security Since 1989!
Providing Complete Physical & Electronic Security Since 1989!
Video Surveillance systems & products:
Reliable & Comprehensive products for Video Surveillance Monitoring & Recording - 3 Year warranty!
Explosion proof, EX-SDI, HD-TVI & IP Based systems & "Wireless" video transmission solutions for both short & long range.

Video surveillance technology comparison
Here is a great example of the differences in Surveillance camera systems for monitoring & recording video evidence!
Surveillance systems
Surveillance systems
IP Power IP based Surveillance systems
IP Power surveillance systems offer 2,3 & 4MP resolution surveillance systems offer high definition monitoring and recording for high quality video surveillance!
These new IP based systems will operate "stand alone" or in conjunction with your network.
CMS software & Smart phone apps allow for local & remote monitoring & playback
30FPS surveillance recording & playback
With the latest in technological advancements: surveillance recording is no longer "notchy & eradicate" - Smooth & fluid playback means you`ll miss no activities that occurred in front of the camera!